Know More Dhulikhel hospital Dhulikhel Hospital is an independent, not for profit, non-government institution which was conceived and supported by the Dhulikhel community, as a quality health services provider. Dedicated Staffs for quality health care patient-care Better Patient Care Affordable for all
Medical Bed Hospital
Happy Patients
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Happy Patients

  • I’m Megh Bahadur Dhakal. I am thankful to Dhulikhel Hospital’s Cardiology Unit for saving my life. After experiencing troubling symptoms, I was rushed to the hospital and got diagnosed with a heart block. The swift response and expert care in the Medicine ICU saved my life. I am happy to know I am the first patient to receive a permanent pacemaker at Dhulikhel Hospital. I’m deeply grateful to the dedicated team, and I highly recommend Dhulikhel Hospital for cardiac care and medical attention. Thanks to them, I have a second chance to cherish moments with my loved ones.

    Megh Bahadur Dhakal
    The first patient to receive permanent pacemaker in Dhulikhel Hospital
  • I arrived at Dhulikhel Hospital on 23rd of Poush, 2078 for delivery. I gave birth to pre term baby because of some complication . My baby was very small and kept in ICU for 10 days. After 10 days , his condition became better  and we were shifted to neonatal ward .I remember these past few days have been the worst time of my life, I was very sad and I feared losing my child.

    I am very thankful to the doctors and nurses of Dhulikhel hospital for taking very good care of my baby. They also counselled me nicely and helped reduce my suffering  when my baby was kept in ICU.

    Ms Tamang
    Mother of preterm baby
  •   नमस्ते ! म गमला तोलाङ्गे । पाइल्सको अपरेशन गर्नुपर्ने भएकोले म यस धुलिखेल अस्पतालमा भर्ना भएँ । मेरो अपरेशन राम्रोसँग भएको छ । यस अस्पतालमा मलाई यहाँको वातावरण, डाक्टरहरूको व्यवहार र नर्सहरूको हेरचाह गर्ने तरिका साह्रै राम्रो लाग्यो । मेरो उपचार राम्रोसँग गर्दिनु भएकोमा धुलिखेल अस्पताललाई धन्यवाद भन्न चाहन्छु ।

    गमला तोलाङ्गे

Dhulikhel Hospital Patient Care Statistics


Happy Patient

We Care

Srijana Tamang and Madhav Prasad Mainali about the importance of BLS in Saving lives.

Testimonial by Ms. Goma B.K. the first patient whose kidney biopsy was conducted at Dhulikhel Hospital

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