To be treated with respect, consideration and dignity
Right to care without regard to race, color, religion, disability, gender or ethnicity .
Right to privacy with respect to his or her medical condition. A patient’s care and treatment will be discussed only with those who need to know
To be informed about the diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of health problem in simple language that can be understood
To know the chances that treatment will be effective and to know the possible risks, side effects and alternative methods of treatment
To be given best treatment possible in a safe and secure environment
To know who is responsible for providing patient’s treatment
To discuss with healthcare professional for second medical opinion before making any decision. Patients can decide not to be treated, but must be informed of the medical consequences of refusal
To participate in decisions involving their health problem, including the right to choose their doctor or to receive treatment at another facility
To have right to information concerning health education, self-care and prevention of illness
To have right to information about services available at the hospital such as fees for services, payment policies, patient rights and responsibilities
The right to agree or refuse to be a part of research studies without affecting patient care
Responsibilities of Patients
To provide correct and complete information about your health and past medical history.
To report any changes in general health condition, symptoms, or allergies to the responsible healthcare worker.
To ask if you do not understand .
Let your doctor or treating team know specific family members or relatives with whom you would want your treatment discussed.
Follow instructions given by your healthcare provider and be responsible for the consequences if you do not follow the instructions.
Respect healthcare providers, staffs and other patients .
Follow hospital rules .
Help in the control of noise and the number of visitors in your wards/ rooms.
Leave your valuables at home.
Keep all information of hospital staffs and other patients private .
Do not take pictures or video recordings of staffs and services without permission from hospital administration.